Thursday, April 24, 2008

Paging Peter?

Where have I been lately? Sheesh, every time I start a blog the promise of frequent updates seems to evaporate rather quickly. Let's play catch-up, shall we?

- I went paintballing for the first time last weekend, and I have a bruise the size of Miami on my left thigh. It's moving from purple to yellow, so that's a good thing... I think. Ryan (the birthday boy and impetus for paintball) was driven there blindfolded, and was really quite pleased. Fun!

- In a sleep-deprived stupor, I nearly sliced a finger on my left hand off while doing dishes. Today is day 2 without a bandage on it, and I'm glad that my healing ability (while not quite Wolverine level) is pretty darn fast.

- Melissa, Annabel, and I went to the beach with the Hales a couple of weekends ago when it was 80 degrees here in Seattle. One week later, it was snowing. Yes, snowing.

-Speaking of snow, Curtains For You had a snowball fight before taking the stage at The Comet last Friday. We played a frantic short set before giving the stage over to the boys in Apple War. They were quite good, and had a 300 pound organ in tow which had a Leslie speaker and a Moog built in. Wow...

- Speaking of Curtains, we had a hilarious photo shoot last night. It involved costume changes and meat. Melissa and Annabel also attended, and little baby Annabel made it into a few of the band shots.

That's mostly what has been happening as of late. A few things that have been stealing brain power away from me as of late are Jim Noir's excellent new album, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, and finally getting around to finishing Dies the Fire. It's not a great book, but is has some fun moments. And now for a random picture of Dr. Strange, because I just got around to watching that new movie about him, and just got volume three of essential Dr. Strange form Amazon the other day.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Your healing abilities are freakish. That was the tipping point in my decision to breed with you.