Saturday, December 29, 2007

Post Birthday Wrap-Up

Ah, another birthday flies by. I spent the day "doing whatever I want" (per Melissa's orders,) and as such, I played Call of Duty 4 until my eyes bled. As evening approached, the urge to leave the house kicked in. We started off the evening in a cab headed to the Beveridge Place Pub, and on the way we hit a raccoon. Quite a start! Melissa, Matthew, Heidi, and I settled into the couches and ordered a pizza. The best thing about that place is that they encourage you to bring food in. Heck, they even have take-out menus in a binder for your perusal. Matt, Angela, and Mikey ambled in after the pizza arrived, and we had a swell evening of trivia and a couple of rounds of pool. We ended the evening sitting in the living room with Heidi, Matthew, Grandma, Annabel, Melissa, and I watching infomercials for Midnight Special and the TimeLife Soft Rock compilation until 2 in the morning. All in all, a fine time!

On the music front, Matthew and Angela provided me with a brand new lyric book for the new year. I had to rebind my old one recently, so the gift was very welcome. On the book front, I've just started reading " World War Z", which was gifted to me yesterday by Melissa. I enjoyed Max Brooks' previous zombie effort, and am hoping that this one will be great. God, I love zombie anything...


Melissa said...

Poor little raccoon. So sad.

Liz Waterstraat said...

Is there room on the internet for another fedofsky blog? e.l.f.

Jana said...

sorry we missed out.

the time life soft rock commercial is a new favorite. come for the flat line deliveries by reo speedwagoneers, stay for the "spontaneous" acoustic performance between music clips!